awkward pause and fatal flaws
such a hot table <3 wc: 240

The dark wolf was glad that Hemming had decided to take her advice and not bring any of the chocolate with him. She probably would have had to find some way to get it away from him. Ember wasn’t sure if eating just a little bit of chocolate would have killed him, but she didn’t want to take any chances. It had been a while ago that she had read that chocolate wasn’t good for dogs, and she couldn’t remember exactly what it was that the book had said. Was it that dogs shouldn’t eat any at all, or could they eat a little bit? Hmm. She reached over for the bag again, looking through it to make sure that he didn’t have any.

At his question the female frowned. Her clawed fingers tugged at the wrapper of her own sucker, pulling it away from its hard, candy innards. She looked at it curiously before taking a lick and answering his question. Ember put the sucker into her mouth and bit down gently, then harder, then harder. Nope. She couldn’t bite through it! It was probably old, so maybe that made it harder. She looked back up at Hemming, rubbing her jaw a little. "I dunno. It hurts my teeth to try and bite it...I guess I should suck it!" She put the sugary end of it into her mouth. "Mmm, yes! Def-nitely wike dis" She said around the sucker.


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