Something has changed within me
It was not Ty's conscious mind that brought him to this spot today, but it was simply his sense of smell. He had smelled the blood of the bird in the air, which usually meant a quick meal for Ty, or that another had made a kill. It wasn't that Ty wasn't a humane being, he simply knew that to survive, injured animals didn't usually survive without help or if the damage was permanent, the best thing was just to put it out of it's misery. Ty knew very little about animal injuries as well, but he did know a bird wouldn't survive with a broken wing, or other animals would have issues living without legs, or other crippling injuries, at that point Ty would put them out of their misery. He knew enough to bandage up some wounds, but most of the time he had to resort to just killing the creature.

It was about the time he passed a den he suspected this potential meal might have been claimed, which was a shame, seeing as how he hadn't eaten today, he'd been too busy trying to chop wood for the fire in his cabin's fireplace. Of course, he had turned it into a training exercise, trying to see if he could chop through two or three logs at a time. At first it failed miserable, and the wood ended up hitting him in the sides and forehead, but after a while he had got the hang of it. Now he ended up nearby the den of another wolf, one he smelled was familiar, he had remembered this scent as one of the valley.

But now he could hear the squawking of the struggling bird, did it still live? Along with the voice of another, a voice that was familiar to him, the last time he heard it was screaming trying to push out children, a rather odd first experience for Ty about childbirthing. At one moment she had been talking to him one moment, the next she had pups coming out of her naughty bits. Nevertheless, she was his alleged aunt, so perhaps another conversation with her would be beneficial to both of them. "I may be a little bold, but carrying a potential meal on your side is...rather unusual for a wolf isn't it?" He asked Naniko, trying to get her attention.


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