Winter song
James made this sexy table <3
OOC: Seriousness man. We can do another round and then end it. <3 --SSWM: 427

Yeah, that's just right. his eyes were on her, and he smiled brightly. He felt good that he got it right. It was only four chords, but this was something completely new, and he had done well at it. Maybe he'd be able to play as beautifully as Mew Sadira here. Know what, I have many books with many melodies. If you want to, you can come and visit me. I live in a house in the city inside Dahlia's borders — you can probably find me by scent. she offered. Daisuke would have to find Dahlia first. He'd never come across the pack, much less even heard about it. Though, it seemed that his knowledge of the lands was forever expanding. He'd have to find the place, and see this Mew at some later point in time. When he could find all the parts for his guitar, or just find someone to give one to him. "I don't know how to read.. But you can help me with that too, I suppose." the male reached his hand behind his head and gave a small chuckle and a shrug. "But yeah! I'll certainly come to see you, Miss Mew. You and your little ones, with how adorable they are. Dexter, Keeleigh and Vesle." the islander spoke, pointing at each of the children as he spoke their names, hoping that he got it right with the pups. He already knew that by the time that he saw them again, they would be much bigger. With everyday, the pups grew more and more. He knew that from experience. Everyday was a new adventure. As a pup, he knew that very well.

The male handed back the woman's guitar, not really about to leave with it, since she had put so much time into finding the right parts for it and everything. Daisuke smiled to her, and nodded his head. I'll have a guitar the next time you see me. So then we can play together too. he spoke, his tail wagging lightly behind him as he moved back and towards his staff that had been forced into the ground. He lifted it from it's hole, and then tapped it on the ground to get the access dirt from it's bottom inch or two. Will the winter do? the male asked, his head cocking lightly as he asked the woman if he could visit her in Winter. Winter for him was one of the more down time seasons, simply because he would run the beaches until late fall, and the male's passion for swimming was satisfied by the time winter rolled around, and he's be more on land at that time. That gives him time to find a guitar and practice the song she had taught to him as well.

"Daisuke likes to speak."


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