
OOC: table code, image, and Filler © Jacoby; 1232 words


Marik knew his brother well. He knew that he would enjoy female company. Or well, that he only liked females. But Cotl was too much of a prude to do anything. To have the thoughts that constantly plagued Marik. But Cotl wasn’t around right now. It was only Marik there. Cotl had gone off to do whatever he was doing and Marik was being lazy and just laying around the room. He was looking over the drawing that his brother had been working on recently. He had no idea who it was of. Or well, his brother had told him a name but it didn’t explain much. He hadn’t met the female that this piece of work was centered around. He had to admit that his brother was good with detail. Had a fine eye for the female body. And what a fine female body it was. The sketching of the tattoo wasn’t bad either. Not something he would ever consider for himself but it wasn’t bad either. But then again he already knew his brother as a talented artist. After all Cotl had done all of the work on his body. Still this was an extensive piece. It would take some time. Perhaps multiple visits even. Just as the one covering his spine had done. But Marik had nowhere else to be and nothing else to do during that time. So he had just laid down and allowed for his brother to just draw on him. But then again he had always been Cotl’s canvas. He allowed his brother to experiment on him. Why else would he have so many tattoos and piercings? Because of the time they were fucked up and Marik would be the first to pass out which left Cotl bored and then the younger sibling waking up to find out that he had more work done. But then one along his spine he had consented to. He had actually happened to be awake throughout that one. Cotl had picked it out but Marik was pretty happy with it. But it made him wonder who had decided on this one. Did the female actually ask for this major piece or perhaps it was his brother’s influence yet again. Either way he wouldn’t mind seeing it when it was done. He was certain that Cotl would do it justice.

Fingertips lifted and stroked at the new tattoo that he had just gotten at his throat. It was one that many most likely wouldn’t understand. This small piece he had chosen for himself, as well at the exact placement. Fingers rubbed against the swastika at his throat. The poor little symbol had been tainted from its true meaning. But his brother understood it. Knew that it was actually a sign of well being and good fortune. And that was why Marik was wearing it proudly. Why he had insisted on it being place where everyone would be able to see it. Why he had wanted it to be permanent instead of Cotl going out searching for a charm. He didn’t care what others would think about it. He knew just what it meant. He knew that it was actually a good omen. And he intended upon wearing it well. It wasn’t as it be could get rid of it now. He couldn’t get rid of any of the marks on his body. But this new piece was really special to him. The lines of it were simple as was the design itself but that didn’t matter since it was the meaning that was important. It was the meaning that was valued. And well, that his brother had done it for him. Cotl really was talented in this sort of thing. He had a real gift. And it was being displayed over many bodies. Though Marik had to believe that his own was the one to display most of it. At least he didn’t imagine that others had gotten more work done than he did. And if so then he would just have to continue to bother Cotl for more. He would just have to let his older brother draw on him while he slept. Not that he wouldn’t imagine that Cotl would already start to do that on his own once he got used to having Marik around all of the time. He just figured that old habits would be fallen into again.

But then Marik was pulled from his thoughts by the sent of another outside of the door. It wasn’t his brother. Cotl would have walked right on in. But it did have the distinct smell of Inferni. Not that the hybrid was imagining the possibility of it being an outsider anyways. Not with the mansion in the heart of the territory. No, someone would have stopped a trespasser before they were able to get this far. Still, who would be coming to visit? Marik only really knew his brother and his friend from Germany. Only two coyotes in this clan that he had spent extensive amounts of time with. And those times took place before ever being here. So no, he doubted that it was someone for him. The scent wasn’t masculine at all. But if it was for his brother then wouldn’t they already realize that he was out? He would have thought that they would have. After all Cotl had taken to spending more time with the Inferni coyotes than with his own brother. It was only another reminder that this wasn’t really home to Marik. He wasn’t needed here. He was just and extra mouth to feed, though he was feeding his own and not leaning on the clan for anything. He doubted that even half of them knew about his presence. But still it didn’t explain away the unknown presence outside of his door.

“It’s open.” He finally called out the words, acknowledging that there was someone out there. The coyote and dog hybrid pushed himself off of the bed in order to move over to the door and pull it open. But what, or who rather, was standing there surprised him. The drawing that he had left laying on the bed had come to life. Well, all but the tattoo. That being confirmed as bi-colored gaze traveled over her body. What a wonderful body it was. A grin slipped over his lips as he looked back to her face. So what if she was nearly a foot taller than him and he had to tilt his head a bit to look up at her. Marik was already used to being shorter than most everyone. He was even shorter than his brother by an inch. “Well you must be Cotl’s muse. Have you come to model for him again? Or perhaps to get started on the work that has been discussed?”” He shifted so that he could motion towards the drawing laying on the bed, allowing for her to catch a glimpse of the paper.“He is out right now but you are welcome to come in and wait. And if you are impatient then I can go on and get you prepared. I’ve worked with him on a few pieces so you have nothing to worry about. And it would be no trouble at all. I certainly wouldn’t mind readying a goddess for her ascension into the gallery of finely crafted artwork.”


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