all the world is waiting for the sun

i fought in the old revolution
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Oh, she was not a ghost, but even as Beppe held her chin he felt like she would pass right through him. His fingers were numb, perhaps, but now he could feel her bones poking against his body, and he wrapped his arms around her as she cried. Even Maria's fingers seemed so skeletal against his shoulder blade, and he mumbled to her, "Mamma, non stai bene..." The boy shuddered a little bit. Perhaps his mother's presence made him more worried. He had no clue what to do with her, and no clue how to find the way back. Wandering would be dangerous -- deadly? -- with her in tow, and he didn't want to risk that. "Rimani qui, per uno momento." The boy knew better than to take her back to Clouded Tears tonight; the way home would reveal itself in the morning.

Prying her fingers off his shoulder, he rested them once more against the wall before turning around to go inside the building. Surely there were chairs or something inside.

Sure enough, there were. There were flimsy little wire and plastic ones in one corner, but Beppe took a moment to look for something better, and was rewarded for it. Behind a curved desk there were chairs that were stuffed with cotton or something like that, the boy wasn't in the mood to guess. Lifting himself onto the surface and swivelling his legs to the other side, he braced himself before lifting up a chair by its arm rests and hauling it over the desk, placing it on the floor on the other side. After hopping off he pushed the chair out through the door and carried it over the rough sidewalk to his mother.

"Siediti," he said gently, rolling the chair close to her.

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on the side of the ghost and the King


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