In search of materials
Hearing the reply from Dawali Ty frowned and nodded in understanding, seeing it was probable that his first arrow would not be a lethal one. After all, he had messed up twice before he even made this one, it was a wonder it was keeping together at all. He was happy that dawali complimented it however, that was a good sign that he might have some talent with the sport. However, he listened intently on the tip Dawali gave about better ways to lash arrows, because any tips would be helpful for future tries on bow and arrow making. The tip was overall helpful, it made a lot of sense to cut extra ridges for the rope to go in. Smiling as the tip was told, he nodded afterward and said "That's a really good idea, I'll be sure to keep it in mind!"

That's when Dawali began to explain how to use the feathers on an arrow, and it did one of the many things he suspected them to, although it waasn't the first thing he had thought. It stabilized the arrow, making it fly straight to it's target, he figured the decorations of the arrow simply make it aesthetically pleasing, which made senses even more, as many weapons were very decorated, though still quite primitive. Who would have thought that nature's simplest of materials would combine to make such a deadly projectile? This made Ty all the more curious about the weapon. Watching Dawali's hands, he noticed the placed where the feathers would go as Dawali pointed at them, but how would they get in there? He can't imagine it would just be just ropes or anything, but what?

Nevertheless, more explanation was needed, the wieght of the arrow was also an apparent factor, which again, made sense. Ty again resorted only to listening to the elder wolf, though somewhat intrigued about the feathers on his head, he wondered why he wore those? Decoration? Markings of prestige? Warrior trophies? He didn't know, but he had to concentrate on the man's explanation. It was the more Ty focused on the lesson, the more he realized how out of touch he was with learning things.

words: 365

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