one by one

So strange. :o 655 words.

even in the darkness every color can be found

####What had started off as an obvious dislike between the two girls was changing, although Princess did not know where it was that they stood now. Briefly, she wished that their brothers could have found something in each other that would stop the discontent feelings, but she did not know why it was that she was thinking that. Her brother had every right to be unhappy about what had transpired between Princess and Haven, even if she had not agreed with his opinion, and certainly Haven did not need to like Ares after the grayscale male had punched him in the face. It was unfortunate that there had been so many levels of tension between the four young wolves, as they had all shared similarities and should have all been able to be friendly with one another. Princess was under no delusion that she and Mati were now friends, but her feelings for the darker girl had softened, and she no longer wanted to hurt her. Though she had come to Mati’s room to yell at her and upset her, the Chance girl now found herself wishing she could make Mati feel better about what had happened with Ares. It was strange, the way her intentions could change so quickly in only a short period of time.

####In a way she did not understand, it did pain her to see Mati attempt to excuse her brother’s actions and then to have her own excuse wiped away so quickly before Princess could even respond. The girl was right, of course. Princess certainly would have fought for her brother, and she thought that at least Savina would, as well. Ares might have done something wrong to one of her children, but Princess could only think that the Commander would have fought against the horrors of Tokyo for one of her pack members, especially with her own personal vendetta against the Chance siblings’ mother. Tokyo had been the first one to harm one of Savina’s children that Princess knew of, and because of this, and the fact that her ebony leader knew the things that Tokyo had done and said to her children, Princess could not shake the thought that Savina would have fought for him, too. He had not needed to run, but only to say something. “I haven’t smelled my mother around here at all, and he never did wander very far, but I guess it’s possible. . . But I would have fought for him, too, and I thought he knew that.” She had thought that her brother would have known the extent of what she had risked and given up to come be with him, and that should have been an indicator that she was willing to do anything for him, within reason.

####Golden eyes lifted again, once more seeking out the vibrant lilac eyes of her opposite. “Mati,” she began, trailing off as she fought an internal battle about whether or not she should say what she was thinking. It was generally that which got her into one form of trouble or another, speaking without thinking beforehand. “Mati, he really did like you, even if he kept secrets. . . He told me he liked you a long time ago, on our birthday, and that he was so worried that you did not like him the same way. I just don’t want you to think he didn’t care at all, I guess,” she finished lamely, wishing she was better at wording things. She did not know if Mati would appreciate hearing that, or if it might make her feel even more guilty than Princess had already made her feel. Princess wished she could take back the blame filled words now, but it would not be possible. All she could now was hope that she might be able to remedy the situation just a bit so that Mati was not as hurt as before.

Table by Miyu!

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