reintroduce myself as a man with a cause
[/html] SSWM: 309

Kaena had given Vieira another day to get away from the cave and her mind was set on not running into anyone. If she had to, she would walk back and forth between the border and the cave area just to make sure Kaena did not need her. She did not enjoy going to the border but it was direct order from her owner and she could not disobey, not matter how much she disliked it. Vieira never complained and with how testy the woman has been lately, she did not want to risk making her angry. Vieira had avoided any sort of punishment in the last few weeks and she did not want to start now.

The scent of Snake took her mind off her struggle for the time being and she felt rather comfortable around the male. He seemed comfortable enough around her and did little to stress her out. Rikka and Anselm had played quite a toll on her mind but Snake was easy to get along with. When she approached, her eyes scanned what he was doing before resting on the ground where his feet were, his body sitting against a rock as he worked.

Vieira straightened her arms to her side and lightly tapped her thighs as she closed the distance a little further, only a few yards away from him. She would not approach if he did not want her near and and she offered a bit of a smile and wag of her tail before both features settled away. "Snake," she called for a little attention and waiting for the instructions to stay or go at this point. She needed a little bit of company to keep her mind off being away from Kaena and a good reason to be away from the border should her owner show up at any minute.


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