A manamanaman!

WC: 318

A lithe, tawny form trotted through the Inferni territory, a slight scowl marring its face. Silence floated all around the creature; its paws making no sound whatsoever in the snow underfoot. The pointed ears were alert, pricked forward.

A sudden, loud outburst from ahead caused the coyote to pause in his tracks, one front paw raised, ears straining. The fuchsia eyes narrowed as they focused on the path ahead. The scent told Sam it was another member of Inferni, but that did little to settle the bristling fur along his spine and shoulders. He started off again, headed towards the source of the shouting.

As he trotted, Sam began thinking about the upcoming war. It had been two years since the last war. He had barely survived that ordeal. But not without sustaining several wounds. He had almost no sight in his left eye, and his hind left leg still gave him plenty of grief, especially now that it was winter.

But this time around, he was older, wiser. He had experience on his side. He was looking forward to kicking some wolf ass. He growled deep in his throat when he thought of those flea bitten mongrels. The hair along his back stiffened again at the mere memory of their ugly mugs.

He had reached the source of all the loud shouting. He sat, staring at the other coyote through narrowed eyes. His ears were laid back, as they usually were, being that Sam was a particularly bitter man. Even members of his own pack seemed to piss him off. Though, not as easily as those damn wolves did. He bared his teeth briefly.

“What the hell are you going on about?” he demanded the other coyote. He felt a flea harassing his ear; crossly, he raised a hind leg and scratched at the spot, his eyes going slightly cross eyed as the burning itch subsided.


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