reintroduce myself as a man with a cause


When doing menial tasks, as he was doing now, he generally became very distant and hard to catch the attention of. His mind had, for all intents and purposes, left his body as his hands moved as if by minds of their own. His knife darted with silver swiftness, stripping away branches that made the stakes deviate from straight up-and-down. Drop one finished stick, pick up another, start again. He found himself deep within a pattern that was hard to break out of, and his mind—which usually became blank in times like this—began to drift back in time. Even though he had only spent a few months there, his memories of New Haven were always the thickest and most memorable. The preparation for battle and war were always present in the atmosphere there, though it was generally upon factions and uprisings within the city itself. It felt the same to him. He did not hate New Haven, he did not hate Patriot, but it was upsetting for him to feel an air of similarity between here and there.

He noticed that he had company only when she called his name. He stopped what he was doing, glancing up, his olive eyes glinting in the shadow that his bandanna cast across his face. “Vieira,” he greeted, his tone completely neutral, though he regarded her well. Generally, he liked the coyote woman. She was tentative, but she seemed kind enough. And she was not over-emotional and complicated like so many other individuals—their personalities were somewhat similar. It was easy to speak with her, so he mostly enjoyed her company.

“I’m thinking about making a kind of fence, a rudimentary boundary, if you want to help.” He dropped the finished stake he had been working on, gesturing towards the stack of finished ones. “I was going to take these and put them up around the forest border, a foot or so between them, and then lash them together with vines.” It would’ve taken forever to find enough steel and sticks to put up a complete barrier, so he was making due. This would be an initial deterrent, though it would not be foolproof. “Do you want to help?” He knew that the girl was always willing to do whatever work was offered to her; that was a quality that he respected.


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