can't catch hell for dreaming
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psh, who made that butt ugly thing? <3

Somehow their form of propulsion had worked, despite the redhead's initial doubts. The smile on his face grew, showing teeth as he whooped out behind Hemming. The boat rocked a bit as he shot up his hand in success, spraying the back of the AniWaya male with a bit of salty drops. He did not apologize, for he had shut his eyes the moment he had done that. Slipping his hand back into the finger numbing water, he tried to keep time with Hemming so that their 'paddles' would be opposite each other. For example, if Strelein's was in the water pushing, the other male's would be between leaving the water and entering. He hoped they could get a steady movement, so that they could look more profession to any unlikely viewers watching the funny show, rather than a jerking motion every few moments.

"It works, Hemming, it works!" he cheered, laughing all the while. Strel forgot the numbness and the fear of the water beneath him. It was safe in the boat, and that reassured him so much. He'd be damned if he managed to drown now, with something so very well keeping the two of them above the surface of the water. "How'd you do this, Hemming, you genius, you?" he praised loudly, splashing a bit more behind his friend. Strelein felt proud to be aboard this craft on its maiden voyage, as strange as the thing was. It was so small that it was hard to call this it's first trip since normally one would associate a maiden voyage with a much grander ship, like a fishing craft or a luxury liner, though the latter did not really exist anymore. Some lost technology needed to be brought back. To sail the seas in comfort. Ah, now that sounded lovely.

Gulping slightly as he looked back at the land, Strel tapped Hemming on the shoulder, jabbing a thumb behind him. "Uhm, Hem? Just how far did you plan on going? Because I think we may be straying a bit far." Somehow the little boat got them out in that distance from the beach. Thankfully the tide was still weak where they were. Strel prayed to the gods they remained as lucky.

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