don't mind the cameras, please.
[html] ... s/truc.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:187px; background-position:top center; background-color:#F8BB4D; text-align:justify; font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#AB360D; line-height:15px;padding-bottom:10px;">No worries, dude! ^^
@&#&$A tentative female voice caught his attention and he paused where he was, black nose rising to gingerly scent the air. The results of this little investigation were somewhat confusing--the woman certainly wasn't either of his friends and he couldn't yet decide if something seemed out of place or not. Ultimately he guessed it didn't matter. Whoever she was, she was very nearby and presumably had more of a right to be here than he did--even with his presidential pardon. The dark tip of his tail swung twice from between his legs, betraying his friendly intent as he slunk (quite noisily) closer to her, limbs bent somewhat awkwardly such that his body was closer to the ground. "No; not Jasper," he called lightly, knowing damn well better than to ignore a pack wolf's question. "Anselm," he offered instead, pausing as he came within several metres of her.
@&#&$His gaze lifted briefly to catch a glimpse of his interceptor--boy, was he in for a surprise. He stood, jaw slightly agape and mind reeling before he remembered his manners. At once his crimson eyes dropped back to the earth at her feet and he clamped his mouth shut. The mental snapshot he'd taken was plenty sufficient; he didn't need to look directly at her now anyway. She could've been Haku in a woman's body--the same chocolate brown fur, those deep icy blue eyes! (More disturbing, perhaps, was the fact that she actually looked good.) She appeared much too young to be the demon's sibling, however, and he couldn't help but boggle over her identity. Now that they were in close range, he could detect the faint scent of Dahlia (and the monster itself), still holding onto her fur and as noxious as bleach. Bloody hell, what had he gone and gotten himself into now?

@&#&$Shit, shit--he should probably say something. The entire turn of events was so unexpected he'd hardly had time to put on a stony face and he lamented that there was really no way to smoothly play this blunder off. "I.. uh, sorry," he proposed, frowning inwardly as realised his tongue was failing him, too. Get it together, man. "You look a lot like someone I know," but wish I didn't. He cast her an apologetic look, feeling some relief as he felt his heart rate and thought processes return to normalcy. Anselm never did like surprises too much. Fortunately, she hardly seemed aggressive or mad.

mall-caps;font-weight:bold;text-align:right; border-top:1px solid #AB360D">SoSuWriMo +412

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