all you could hide from.
[/html]SSWM: 540

Vieira focused on Kaena's damp fur, satisfied it was no longer dripping but there was a collected puddle on the floor. There was a hand towel near the front of the cave she could retrieve in order to mop it up when the woman was done speaking. For a moment, it was on the puddle as Kaena stepped away and faced her to speak and Vieira slowly sat down in a dry spot nearby. Her tail curled around her petite form. Vieira noticed she gained a little weight but she felt back to normal and did not think she would get much bigger. Her coat might thicken a little more but not by much and it would not until a few more winters when her body adjusted to the new climate. It was an entirely different world up in Inferni, culturally and worldly. The place did not take as well to a slave as Eterne might have, cold against her just as the weather which was colder than she was used to.

Kaena spoke in a voice that was different, a voice she did not recognize, and Vieira had to look up in order to confirm it was her owner speaking. It was softer and withdraw and it caused her to look a little too long for her comfort and when she realized it, she shot her golden eyes away in the instant she noticed. She held her breath and listened the last few words and considered them. Vieira did not know how to take it just yet. Kaena had been hurt. There were many things this could mean but she knew, with that tone, it was far from falling on the ground and hurting your wrist or ankle. It was a tone that meant more and that there was a second party that had been involved. Her golden eyes narrowed on the ground and focused on a separated puddle of water, smaller than the large gathering at her feet.

Vieira had been abused so much that her tone did not often change. It was hard against her psyche and damaging to her personality, but it had been driven into her mind that she deserved and needed it when she knew in the back of her head she did not want it. That was the only thing that had not been beaten out of her. Kaena was different. She had authority and someone had taken that away from her just as they had taken away what little self control Vieira had as a child. Vieira could have been different, she imagined, but it was a world her mind could not grasp and she could also not grasp Kaena being any different than she was: unpredictable. The woman did not know her previous life or anything about her past that would give her a hint she was any different prior the rape.

"I'm sorry," the woman whispered, at her own loss for words. She did not know how to feel and therefore did not know what to say. She did not know exactly what her owner was talking about and pressing deeper into the woman's mind was against what the slave did and left it wherever Kaena chose to leave it.[html]

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