looking for a shadow of a doubt
Firefly had begun to grow bored with waiting at the border like a good little doggie when suddenly movement across the lands and a face she recognized caused her to sit up straighter, a smile upon her maw. ”Anselm, I didn’t think I’d find you on border patrol.”, though she wouldn’t admit that she had been hopeful that he would appear. She knew she shouldn’t appear so cheerful sitting among the skulls of her kind that bordered the lands but she couldn’t help the tiny wag of her tail as Anselm approach. What did bother her though were the words that he spoke. She flicked an ear back in confusion as she tried to figure out just what she’d been missing out on all cooped up in the pack’s lands.

She didn’t want to pry into the business of the clan so she pressed on, admitting the truth behind her visit. ”I was just hoping to find out if Zana had returned…” She doubted that DaVinci would return anytime soon or even appear at the same time as Zana so she’d left him out of the equation, knowing he was a sour note to the leader of the clan. The Cour des Miracles woman had been about to ramble on further when Anselm dropped the bomb. Her mouth snapped shut instantly as her eyes narrow. She didn’t believe that Anselm would be the type to tease or even play such a horrible excuse for a joke but she barely knew him and what she did know was mostly as a diluted yearling in the mists of war. There was no stopping the reaction to the news as a soft growl rose in her throat.

She was silent a moment as she stared past Anselm. The sound of the lands the only noise as she tried to work out just what she would do next. Her voice was flat when she finally spoke. ”Are you certain?” She had never loved Cercelee but she hadn’t hated the woman outright. The threat she left for her at the border of the pack’s lands was her infamous temper at its worse. She felt a chill slide down her spine as she felt that perhaps the best place for her at this moment was home. That little voice was replaced quickly by a blood boiling rage that flashed in her eyes as she remembered the chaos that Haku had sown in the lands and what her fate had been gifted with.

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