reintroduce myself as a man with a cause
[/html]SSWM: 401

Vieira's skills were limited to minimal tasks. She could cook, clean, garden, and a few other things that did not take a lot of thought. It had been driven out of her like everything else so whomever owned her could mold her to their will and do as they pleased. Trying to understand the games Anselm explained had taken quite a toll on her mind that she had not been able to handle and she felt a little embarrassment she could not recall feeling in a long time. It was her fault, she decided, because she had not been outright with him in telling him what she actually was and when she tried, it was too late. He shut her up before she was able to get the words out and now she felt odd about it, as if a disgusting taste was in her mouth with worry he might say something and a punishment would be served because she had not been completely honest.

When Snake explained what he was doing, her eyes went from each item to gather what he was doing and it looked simple. He was doing a little more work than it sounded and she worried she might not be able to help but the suggestion of looping vines or something seemed simple and easy enough. "Okay," she said quietly without really saying she wanted to help. The woman was indifferent about the situation and if it pleased Snake for her to help, then she was. If she could not keep Kaena happy in this moment, she could at least please Snake for a little while. Vieira turned her head and looked at the trees lingering above her and expected vines to be within her reach but there were none right away.

"What would you like me to do?" she asked with an idle twitch of her tail and she offered a few steps closer, just a few feet away, and waited. She could gather vines if he wanted her to or hand him things. Vieira was willing to help in anyway she could. It would be good for all of them, herself for getting it off her mind, Snake, and Inferni as a whole. It was a nice change of pace from checking the borders and doing simple household chores she had to repeat from time to time and something new to exercise her mind.


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