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He'd been so young when it had happened, barely able to shift. The night had been quiet and Jasper had been a much different boy back then. He was happy, curious, and much more outgoing that what he'd turned out to be now. It had been a lighter that had caught his eye that night as he slunk through his parents bedroom, the very same lighter than his father could often be seen with. Unfortunately for Jasper he allowed himself to indulge in his curiosity, but he hadn't been bright enough to just take the lighter into his own room to mess with it. Instead he'd simply crouched near the bed to mess with it, which had been the beginning of the turning point in his life.

In a flash the bed was on fire and Jasper, who was taken completely by surprise, dropped the lighter and shot up to stand. His father had woken though, just in time to put out the fire before anyone got hurt or any real damage had been done. It was after that when everything changed, when his father's hand collided with the side of his face and Jasper was sent crashing back against the wall. Even now the de le Poer boy wasn't sure what all had happened after that. Tegan, his sister, had ushered him into her room and he'd stayed in there with her for some time. Their mother had disappeared, up and left, and it was after incident that their family began to fall apart. The disappeared slowly over time, even Tegan, the only sibling that he'd ever felt close to, left one day.

Even now Jasper wondered if the rest of his many siblings blamed him for their mother leaving like he blamed himself for it. He wondered if they hated him for it and left with the hopes that they would all meet up somewhere else and Jasper wouldn't ever be able to find them. The thoughts of those times often plagued Jasper, especially now when he was trying to hard to accomplish something. He'd failed the rest of his siblings, Corona and Gabriel hated him for whatever reason, but now he had a sister that had no reason to hate him yet. If he failed her then she would certainly hate him like the rest of them. Even his father, the mad he feared and yet secretly admired, hated him. Jasper couldn't blame him though.

The sound came out of no where and caused Jasper to whip around, stumbling over his own legs as he did so. Finally, he lost his balance and crumbled to the ground, just in time to see the large form that was coming at him. In a last minute reaction he curled his legs in toward himself, removing them from the path of the flying wolf as to not harm the female that was after him. It was only as she landed, partially over top of his splayed out body, that Jasper had time to realize who it was. "You're okay!" He practically yelled, eyes wide and frantic as they searched her face.


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