A manamanaman!

wc: 303

Sam stared at the other coyote, clearly taken aback by his behavior. And here had been wondering about his own sanity! The older coyote took a step backward, unsure of what to do or ho to respond to this youngster. Sam peered at him through narrowed eyes, wondering what this “heart song” was that he had mentioned.

“Don’t you know we are in a war? Your loud yodeling could alert the enemy of our location!” He looked over his shoulder as he said this, his paranoia getting the better of him. He bared his teeth.

“Do you have to do this heart song business so loudly?” he asked finally, thinking if he couldn’t stop the younger coyote, he could try to quiet him down. He wasn’t one to be overly caring or helpful, but that didn’t mean he wanted his side to get ambushed.

The coyote had been paranoid like this for most of his life. Better to expect the worst thing possible and be pleasantly relieved if it didn’t happen than to be horribly inconvenienced. Not to mention his waninig sanity. It made for some pretty interesting situations with the older coyote. When his mind was at its worst, he could be downright crazy, unable to function around others without posing a major threat to himself as well as others around him.

He suspected that he had received a blow to his head in the last war, one so bad that his memory of the whole event had been blocked from his access. He couldn’t fathom how else he had come to be this way. The low grade buzzing in his head had been there for as long as he could remember; it was this noise that seemed to constantly push him over the edge of his sanity.


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