Stay away from me

OOC: ooc-ness here!

She watched the male as he backed away with bared teeth. It made the warmth in her chest spark. It was almost if she was waiting for him to react. It caused that sadistic grin of hers to pull on her lips as she got to her paws and treked closer to him. She was so interested in this creature. Maybe it was its white pelt, or was it the teeth it bared at her? Night didn't know, but she wasn't far from finding out.

Stepping up closer to him, her azure eyes had filled with a deadly addiction, a craving for normality she didn't evne know that she didn't have. The urge to see blood wasn't normal, but the Thames girl didn't know that. She didn't know a lot of things. Her mothers past was one of those things, maybe one day she would be informed. Today she was just interested in the white growling male in front of her. She suddenly wondered what it would feel like for his teeth to sink into her flesh like her own had done so many times.


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