the clock that ticks. (kae, snake, or viei)
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SSWM: 373

Kaena was gone when Vieira woke this morning and she had a miniature panic attack. Her mind went from one extreme to the other, remembering when she had been punished for sleeping too late. She knew to be awake when, or before, Kaena was and this morning the woman was gone entirely. She knew she had returned the night before and Vieira was able to sleep early and spend some of the evening on her own. Now she was trying to calm herself down from the lack of her own, breathe a few breaths before she took in any more conclusions. She worried about being punished again, wondering if Kaena was playing something on her and her eyes closed slowly to this.

Vieira knew better to leave, even if Kaena had given her a little freedom, because she could not take advantage of it. It was a privilege she was not going to abuse. If Vieira did not need to be away from the cave, she was not going to be unless Kaena told her otherwise. Vieira sat patiently just outside her room with her legs crossed over in an Indian. Her hands were flattened on the balls of her knees as she stared toward the entrance, waiting with a heart that beat faster than usual.

After time passed and Vieira could not sit still any longer, she began to stand and felt the rush of blood shoot through the veins of her legs. Her feet had fallen asleep and she had to take a moment. Standing up straight, she stretched her muscles and moved to the entrance, peering out with golden eyes and trying to detect her owner from anywhere nearby. This late in the morning, Vieira worried further after being left alone without so much a word. It stressed her out and caused her to leave the entrance of the cave and move a few yards away to check the surrounding area.

Vieira put her nose to use and the scent of her owner was fresh, nearby, and she started to relax. At least she would have an answer soon, but until then the slave did not go further and began to back up toward the cave where it was safe.


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