Ordinary Riches

SSWM - 623

She wandered if she had ever ventured south, into the country that had been once split into various states. Or so it looked like on the map. Lines crossed in various places, dividing the land into different areas that reminded her of pack lands. The woman did not understand human politics, or how such things had been divided into small fragments of a larger whole. Her lands were Crimson Dreams, the borders divided and marked with no fence and no signs. There were only the scents that lingered and spoke to intruders. Though they had taken on many of the human’s attributed with their infection, Anu still clung to those simple and primal ways. Of course others had their way of marking their territory, but she was beginning to slowly understand their reasoning’s.

The map would take a backseat to the topic at hand. Anu no longer searched for the borders of lands or seek the shapes of countries. She scoured for the thoughts of her Commander through the green orbs that she held. The bomb had been dropped, and Anu needed to know what it was that Savina was thinking. There was silence, and the woman did not look at her. There was a shock that ran through the other’s system and Anu wondered what it was that ran though her brain, the unknowing was driving the normally calm and cautious fey mad. She placed a hand on the maps, and then as the dark furred female spoke there were only a few questions that came forth.

How? Anu now looked away herself. She didn’t know how. The details were lacking, since she had been in her own form of shock when the news had been given. It was so wrong that Anu had been unable to hear clearly for many moments after taking in those few critical words. Anu was the one who allowed the silence now. The thin tawny female drew her hand close again, feeling the calm fill her form once more. She didn’t know why the sudden rage had come over her, but it seemed to pass and her voice returned,
“I don’t know how.” Anu paused, and the next that came were grave,
“The horrors of it are likely to be great.” She announced with a soft tone. She had not known the alpha that allowed him to continue as a sub-leader in the flower pack, or had allowed him to live at all. The situation in its entirety was beyond her thought process, and she had never been able to understand it.

When? She might be able to shed some light on the question, though it was a rough estimate.
“The past month, I think.” She felt incapable with the lack of information she had to give her Commander. Anu had been so unable to gather anything of use, since her immediate concern was not for her pack but for the girl who shared her bed. She had left the Dahlian informant and traveled strait to see if the brown and cream woman was well.
“I have just heard, but the details of it are jumbled.” She admitted, being honest with her fault. Savina would not accuse her of being incompetent, though Anu felt as if she had some how faltered in her position.

Though Haku had bigger problems with coyotes knocking at his door, Anu knew none of the war and only of the Dreamers relation with him. “I’m worried.” She spoke, letting the wall of courage disappear before her alpha. Worried that Haku would find Colibri, worried that she would bring a war to the Dreamers feet and that there would destruction in the wake of her decision to bring Coli to Crimson Dreams.


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