Check My Brain
[html] ... Angelo.png); background-color:#000000; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">Word Count: 317

    It didn’t matter that she had been stealing, for Larkspur was no more then a thief himself, but the fact it wasn’t someone else’s personal belongings but his own was wrong. He was not used to feeling possessive over any items, but now that he was alone there was nothing but the things he carried with him to keep him company. Even though he was used to isolation, he needed things to keep himself busy and to keep himself sane. That, of course, was relative. In the weeks since Misery had abandoned him, the voice of the can tah had slowly begun to grow louder. It was still barely above a whisper, but he could hear it more then he had that first day.
    That same voice whispered again, and his eyes turned inward, focusing on the sound above the high-pitched whine from the girl, now struggling in his grip. She was weak, as were all females, and she was young and inexperienced. If she twisted too hard, he would break her wrist. The can tah’s voice quieted and he slowly turned his focus back to the ginger girl, catching only the last outburst. As his eyes focused down on her, in a face scrunched with the ugly “I want” expression, a spoiled, pouting look he had seen in his cousins too many times before, he realized what the whisper had tried to tell him. Haku’s description of his…well, he wasn’t sure what she was to him, actually. Regardless, he knew who she was by the peculiar bicolor eyes and that streak of roan that set apart her otherwise dull, mousey fur. Mah effects,” he pronounced sharply, pulling her closer to him with one solid jerk. “Ain’t you a bit far from home, Addison?” His lips pulled back in an ivory, yellowing smile. It was horrifying, as if the madman found the power of her name humorous.

Table code and image © to Alaine


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