Run, baby, run.

I figured we could finish this one up, and then have the next one soon, maybe inviting Hannah to take part? Whatever we decide to do, this was fun!

He smiled back down to her. His height was a lot more pronounced here, in Bleeding Souls, a land filled with coyotes, hybrids, and wolves of varied stature. When he was in a warparty, he was surrounded by large wolves, male and female, those of a build for war. Here his eight foot wereform stuck out like a sore thumb, like a looming member of some grim warrior caste he watched over the border of the place he had called home for so long, . He wondered at times whether or not VoidFane had done the same thing when he'd lived in Storm...even without such evident scarring he would have looked twice as terrible as Skoll, and the creature that lived in his mind was more nightmarish still.

"I can teach you on four legs, then. Most fighting around here seems to occur like that, anyway." It would strike one as odd considering the increased level of power present in the were-form, but most people favored their comfort zone when facing a danger, and when it came to fighting, a wolf's most reliable instincts were geared for four legs. Not to mention, most of them preferred their four-legged form for casual day to day activities, and fighting was rarely planned for. Looking off toward Storm, he got the itch that signified he had been away for too long. If he was going to live there, he was going to carry out sentry duties, whether they were yet officially his or not. If he was to accept the role of guardian, he needed to be there most of the time. "Drop by any time. I'm heading back for now, but if you go to the south-eastern corner of the territory, I'll be the first to pick up your scent, and we can train. Try to catch me in the blue of the early morning, that's the best time, and when I wake up to train myself."

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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