after supper walk a mile

Word Count: 370

In Character

With his head low, Gabriel began scenting like a tracking hound. There were well over a dozen unique smells, ranging from the coyotes themselves to prey animals. Most were small, either rodents or rabbits, and not his concern. What he was looking for was the all too unique scent of deer. He found one, very prominent, and was glad for it. A doe, most likely, given that it did not carry the woody musk that a buck would. Even with help, Gabriel was hesitant to hunt buck, given that their antlers were just as deadly as the sharp hooves that they had. Not knowing what Vieira’s skill level was, Gabriel did not intend to throw her at something that could kill her in more then one way.

Once he had found that scent, he began following it. The trail was not very fresh, but it was just enough to give him an indication of where to go. Without the need for conversation (having recalled how awkward his last one with her had been), Gabriel was silent. All four legs moved under his body, trotting along at a steady pace, following a trail cut through the snow that headed towards Occasus Promontorium. This was entirely unusual for a deer, considering there was no cover. Likely, they were dealing with a young doe who had been spooked and run off by something (possibly another coyote). Her scent began to grow stronger, suggesting they were indeed on the right track. This was further confirmed as he came across tracks.

While three seemed to be regular, her fourth leg was dragging slightly, suggesting a limp. Even better. If they could spook her and get her down, there would be no need to chase the stupid thing all over the valley. Hopefully this would be the case, given that it was likely the flat stones would become very dangerous with snow and ice on them. Slowly his pace, the Aquila finally turned his attention back to his smaller companion. “We’re going to try and do this quickly,” he said. “If we can knock it down then the kill will be easy. Watch out for the rocks around here, “ he added, then began moving again.

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