Ordinary Riches
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SoSuWriMo 559

     Her mind was lost in a torrent of fears and thoughts at the horrific news. She was not exaggerating in the least in calling it horrific. What had happened in Dahlia to have such a turn of events be allowed? What had happened to Cercelee. Surely the pale woman would not have given the reigns of power over to the mad beast willingly. What would happen now that he had total control over a pack? How many members of the pack were truly loyal to him? She couldn't imagine that her friend Alexey would be and now she was very worried about the tan woman's well being. About her nephew's well being. What would happen now? Would there be more war? Anselm had said that tensions were still high between Inferni and Dahlia de Mai. Now that whatever had leashed Haku Soul in was gone would it all boil over and strife be spilled upon the lands. Upon her dear friends? There were too many possibilities and too many unknowns and it made her heart quiver.

     Savina looked to her friend and subleader for the answers to what she had asked, but it seemed that the Lt. General's knowledge was not all that much better than her own. The words struck at her heart and her head hung low between her shoulders. "I can think of few things worse that could happen. War and fear could consume the lands with him at Dahlia's helm." No one would be safe. Inferni might have the most cause for worry, but they were not the only ones who had cause to fear the chocolate colored male. His depravity knew no bounds and she knew that he would just as easily strike at a member of any other pack. She wished that their lands lay farther away from Dahlia de Mai's now, but she knew not even distance would ensure security. Danger could now lurk behind every bend and every tree.

     It didn't much surprise her that this was a fairly recent event. Otherwise news of it would have surely reached her sooner. It also didn't surprise her that the details of such a happening were unclear. "I'm sure that's how he wants it. The more uncertainty and chaos the easier it is for him to work in his twisted and dark ways." It was all so unsettling that it took a great effort for the Commander to keep her body from shaking. There would be no peace anywhere while Haku was an alpha, but how could he be deposed now? He would need to be killed, but that was an equally daunting task. "How did you find out?" It would be beneficial to know where their information was coming from.

     Finally with Anu's admission of fear Savina looked back up towards her friend. The worry was radiating from her though it seemed as if something more personal was behind it than just knowledge of the madman's deeds and what depths he would sink to. "I am as well. For us and for my friends who live in Dahlia and Inferni." Anu was not alone in her fear. "Is there a greater reason for your worry though?" It seemed as though there was and it made the Italian suspicious if some ill had befallen her friend at the hands of the crazed wolf.


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