show me your teeth
[/html] SSWM: 319

Vieira was thankful Snake did not ask for more from her. She wanted to rest, curl up in her blankets at the cave and disappear but she knew the night was far from over. She had Kaena's anger to deal with and whatever the woman chose to do for whatever she could find wrong. Her ears fell back against her head as she looked up to Snake, taking his hand with both of hers and pulling herself up. She whimpered from the pain, bent over at the hips from the pain in her back. A long moment later, Vieira straightened herself out and took a long breath. It hurt like hell but she had to tough it out long enough to get back. She just wanted this night to be over with. "Thank you," she said and nearly burst into tears again but her hand rubbed over her eyes to for pressure in order to keep from tearing up.

The walk back was painful and she felt unusually slow. Each step sent a ripple of pain to her back and it started to get hard to breathe. Several times the slave had to stop or grab the man's arm to take a breath, rest, or anything else in order to calm herself in order to keep herself going. When they finally made it back to the cave, she hesitated to go further. She resisted the urge to look at Snake but she could not stop herself any longer. Her eyes watered and she lifted her hand to stop herself again and moved toward the entrance of the cave. Her eyes were downcast, shame radiating off her form, and she put her hand against the wall to hold herself up. Vieira lost track of Snake, whether or not he came inside with her, and instead tried to look for Kaena. She did not call for the woman and instead waited.


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