Bringing darkness to your door
sosu 404

Vitium wanted nothing more than a chance to crumble the mighty empire that had abandoned him. His heart had long ago turned cold to the ways of the world and now it was more than ironic that he was turning to the son of Colibri for help in meeting his needs, the half brother to the creatures that were the end result of his savaging of the once matriarch of these lands. His dark hued orbs watched the man that watched him, waiting silently for the truth in it all, if he would find acceptance in a moment of time or if he would have to ply his skills in sowing terror elsewhere. There was little in this world he needed but right now he needed the darkness that revenge would bring to soul his soul.

When Haku spoke finally a slight smile twitched upon Vitium’s lips as he nodded slowly. ”I want the queen and her prince to fall.” and the whole court with them he thought. To see the mighty clan destroyed and lay to rubble along the beach would be a grand sight indeed. He raised his head as he met and held his gaze to that of the Rosen. ”Blood for blood.” The scars across his face that he had received at the hand of the woman who had once been his mother were still striking upon his maw. He had nearly lost an eye and he wished to repay her and her consort for their harsh judgment. He wished to issue his own as well. Life would be settled and there would be a calm after the storm if the two were thrown from their perch at the top of the chain.

The warning that followed made Vitium grin wickedly as he stated the obvious, ”And risk losing the chance to see the fall of Inferni. Never.” He shifted quietly, wondering what he would be doing next after he was accepted, if he was still accepted into the pack. When Haku demanded a name Vitium wondered of a moment if he should lie, he had after all raped and tormented the man’s mother, but at the last moment he thought against it as his eyes sparkled and his voice gave way to the truth. ”Vitium. Just Vitium.” If they would not see him as blood kin then he would dismiss the name they’d thrown upon him so long ago.

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