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Zadkiel's tension began to lift as the older female showed signs of sympathy towards him. Her smile was soft and welcoming and it calmed the young one, who for once had begun to think he'd done something truly bad. Something he couldn't get out of. He hesitated as she stepped forward, his creamy fur matching that of her paws. And as her head bent forward to give his head a lick, Zadkiel felt certain she was preparing to gobble him up. That her sweet acts had been nothing but a trick. However, the licks were gentle and as he cringed, he felt no teeth digging into his flesh. Instead, he felt a mother's warmth.

As she spoke, Zadkiel's ears perked up. Coyotes? Sure, there had been something strange about her that did not smell entirely wolf-like, but he'd have never guessed her to be a coyote. After all, the boy had never encountered anything but the occasional hybrid in his journeys. Did that mean that this was an entire pack of them? The way she spoke sure made it seem that way. "You said c'yotes," he said softly, testing the word on his lips, "That mean there's lots of you?" he asTheked cautiously, looking around nervously as he did.

The two pups poked their heads out from behind the safety of their mother, two young ones, much smaller than he. As she introduced herself and the pups, Zadkiel nodded and smiled softly, though his fears were not completely gone. "Nice to meet you all," he commented before introducing himself. "My name is Zadkiel D'Angelo. My mom's name is Misery, dunno if you'd know her or not, heck, I hardly know her," he said, considering the fact that he'd only been here a short while and most of what he had to go off of were the stories his father had told him of her. "How old are they?" he asked, gesturing to Talitha and Ezekiel. "They're cute little things, huh?" he complimented, admiring the tiny balls of fur huddled behind their mother.


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