And If I Only Could

Anu can be spaztastic.. xD
SSWM - 604

It was hard to find someone who had not been touched by Haku Soul, and Anu only knew his touch to be painful. That beast would never be without claws, his mouth never without the poisonous fangs that leached acid into those that sought out happiness and peace. But a snake was not the right description. Anu saw him as something far larger, something with many more teeth and a strength that was beyond any beast that they walked among. It was indescribable, and something likely to be found in the written word of man, whose devilishness knew no bounds.

Anu wondered what it was like to live among the beast, and had only truly seen it through the vision of his blue eyed daughter. And it that gaze there was nothing but fear, destruction. Alexey did not hold a great strength that allowed Anu to believe that he was nothing more then the black sheep of the pack, but she was not succumbed to his atrocities as fully as Colibri had. The Dreamer saw it as a numbing of sorts, had she been habituated to the knowledge and the sight of it? Of course the older female did not know the Dahlian well enough, and such judgment would not be passed fully.

Her voice rang in the tawny fey’s ears, and there was a certain seriousness there. Anu seemed to slow her pace, as if the crunching of foot paws in snow would drown out the important news her new companion was about to tell her. Immediately the Lt. General thought of her pack, Coli among them. She feared that Haku would attempt to hurt them, just as he might attempt to hurt any innocent. It would kill her to think that he might hurt a Dreamer, for any reason. And if that reason were connected to her, Anu would not rest until she righted such a wrong.

But the information was surprising, for Anu had not know that there was a history there that would boil blood until it spoiled. Inferni? No, Anu was not entirely surprised that the coyote clan had an enemy, but she could not believe that the pack would seek out one. Gabriel believed in defending those he loved, and she did not see him as one to bring such a horrible fate upon himself. Of course Anu saw only what she wished to see of the doggish hybrid, her blind spot large and impairing. Now there was to be a war? Would it grow that large? The word it self was enough to make Anu begin to shake with worry and fright.

Keeping her emotions in check, Anu glanced at the other female. She tried to keep her worries to herself, though she had already divulged more information to the woman then Anu normally thought appropriate. There were things that Anu still did not understand, and she couldn’t find a reason not to question. Alexey had seemed forgiving before and so Anu allowed the concern and curiosity to come forth.

“There have been threats?” From Inferni to Dahlia, from Dahlia to Inferni. For whom and to whom it did not matter. Was she in danger? Anu was so suddenly concerned for the woman she had just met that her words were no longer the soft placid voice that she normal held,

“What will your alpha do? To control Haku?” It was fairly rude to speak to her, having just met her, in the slightly demanding way. But Anu hoped she would understand, and there was sure to be more apologies in the future for her current behavior.


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