What's this? What's this? There's magic in the air
©table code and image to james; 1100 words

The acrid smell of burning pages was what had drawn his attention in the first place. Who would dare do something like that? Marik actually liked books. But then again he liked to learn. He wanted to know everything. But that was just the way he was. He was curious. While he might not do anything with the knowledge he gained he still wanted it. He just enjoyed learning but wasn’t into the mastery part. He wanted to know so that he can use it in case he needed it but he didn’t want to be so adept at it that it was expected of him to perform such things all of the time. At least that was his way with things. He didn’t like being forced into repetition. He’d had enough of that with his own dad already. His father had expected much more than Marik was will to put the time and effort into. All of the coyote’s hopes and wishes and landed on him. All because Cotl’s ticks were more obvious than his own. He had never asked to be favored. In fact he escaped as often as he could just to be lazy with his brother. Growing up hadn’t been exactly the best but he loved Germany. Honestly he’d rather be there than stuck here in Canada. He had friends back home in Germany. He was having to start over here in Germany and having such rotten luck at it. He hadn’t made a single friend yet and it was starting to make him feel deprived. Especially since his friends were always the with benefits type. He didn’t have that here. No one to turn to in order to rid him of the physical pain that he felt whenever he went without. It was just no fun at all. So while he was glad to get away from all of the rules and such he wasn’t liking having to miss all of his friends. But it was something he had to put up with since he promised Cotl that he was staying. And it wasn’t like he could break his promise to his brother.

The coyote and dog mix left behind the broken storage box, those metal bits still concealed in his hand. He headed towards the smell of the burning pages. And he was taken aback by who the deviant was. Certainly not someone he had met before, he didn’t really know of too many wolves in Germany. But it was more of the gender that surprised him. There was a chick causing damage. If only it had been anything but the books he might have bowed down and worship her. Not that such a thing was entirely off the menu. “You really shouldn’t be doing that. Some of them are really neat.” Not that his comment was too harsh. It wasn’t a huge bonfire yet. Just one book that it didn’t seem as if he would have a real interest in anyways. Which was why he moved around it and pulled a different book from the shelf. It was some sort of religious text. At least that was how Marik interpreted the words. Kama Sutra. It was a bible. “See? Look at this one.” He spoke the words as he flipped open the pages. Pages with very interesting depictions upon it. “It’s a bible. You can’t burn the bible.” He paused and took a closer glance at the pages. “A very interesting bible…” He spoke the words slowly before breaking out in a grin. “I’ve practiced this one before!” He pointed to one of the depicted and described positions. He would have to take this particular book. He already had a head start on his practice of worship but this would help him out greatly. He would have to be devout and get through all of the pages. But this also made him really miss his friends back home in Germany. There he would be able to get through his bible quickly. Here he would have to struggle with it. But wasn’t that just standard in religions. That you had to struggle in your practice?

He closed the book and held it down by his side. He ended up pulling another one from the shelf. Something about a happy man’s bible. He didn’t bother to flip through this one. He figured he could look it over back in Inferni but it was something else for his collection. But that collection was starting to fill his hands. He needed something to carry his items in. At least he would know that for next time. Oh, and he still had to find those blankets. “Would you know where to get blankets from? My brother asked me to bring him back a couple of them.” For all he knew she could have traveled through here more often than he had. This was his first trip after all. So even if she had only been here once before it would still be more than him. “Or maybe you could just join me in finding a bed.” The slightly flirty words were spoken with a partial grin and a wink. It was true that he wanted to find a bed. Where else would you find blankets but on a bed? But still the implications of finding a bed together could easily be read as something not quite so innocent. And right about now Marik wouldn’t mind that not so innocent implication. After all she was a beautiful young female. Wolf or not, it didn’t matter to him. He wasn’t strictly coyote after all. Actually he got more of his mom’s genes than his brother had. So he didn’t really come off as coyote straight off at first. Not with his floppy ears. Though right now they were standing erect.

“By the way, I’m Marik Ulrich.” Those heavily German accented tones were made even more obvious as he spoke his own name. By why shouldn’t it with it being a German name? Of course it would be more enhanced on German words. “So are you coming along, schöne dame?” He asked with an offering of his arm to act as an escort. Of course he had mixed German into his words. He did it with his brother often. He didn’t even pause to consider that she might not understand what he was saying. It was a compliment of course. He had only called her a beautiful lady instead of something vulgar. He had been trying to stay away from the Germanglish but he still slipped into it every so often.


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