Your land, My land, Our land
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©table code and image to jacoby; 1103 words

He would probably still have Cotl’s scent clinging to him. After all they continued to cuddle in the same bed night after night. The boys would huddle together to keep each other warm during the winter. It was just their thing. And honestly there weren’t things going on beneath the surface as most would imagine. Their relationship was that regular old platonic brotherly kind. It was just that Marik could prove to be a bit more affectionate than most brothers could. But still there was nothing going on. Not that Cotl would ever allow for it even if Marik was open for it. But that was just Marik. He wasn’t prejudiced against anyone. He didn’t judge at all. To him everyone and everything was absolutely the same. Which was probably why war wasn’t really on the top of his list of things that he wanted to do. He didn’t have anything against anyone so he didn’t really want to fight. And let’s face it. He was short. Shorter than Cotl even. He really wasn’t that impressing of a force when even a female towered above him. Not that he had ever let his height hinder him before. It could even be said that there were some things that he was the perfect height for. Like being able to crawl around in the bushes. He could get into some of those smaller places that had to be investigated in lupus form for everyone else while he remained optime. So his height worked for him really. Though Cotl really wasn’t happy with being so short. But he and his brother differed on the view of many things. On nearly like everything actually. But still they managed to get along grandly. Sure, there were still the brotherly quarrels but that was just normal and they were always settled quickly enough after the air had been cleared.

The bark got his attention and had him looking up from his book. He glanced around briefly before he saw the coyote approaching him. He was faintly familiar from the meeting. The one that had called the meeting. And that was as far as his knowledge really went. He couldn’t recall a name but that didn’t particularly matter right now. The rank was enough for him. He nodded his head in a brief greeting before focusing on what had been said. “Marik.” Name was given in its simplest form. It hadn’t really been asked for though the words were enough of an indicator that it was wanted. And since it didn’t seem that the other was really into menial things Marik didn’t hesitate to introduce his ideas. The hybrid knelt down in order to place the book that he was looking on the ground for the other male to be able to see. “I was considering some of these to protect the border with. The construction would be simple enough. I’m more worried about concealing them so they won’t be spotted right off. And of course since they are lethal there is the worry for the clan tripping them. But if done right they could really aide in protecting the borders since it would be difficult to watch all sides at once. What do you think?” The German spoke freely, not even really taking into consideration that it was the actual leader he was speaking to. Or well he knew it was but it didn’t hinder his tongue in the slightest. He had ideas and he was going to express them while he was able to. And well, it was proving that he had been doing his research and willing to do what he could to help out even if he didn’t exactly understand why they were doing this. He might not believe in it but he wasn’t backing out.

“I was thinking that this might run long too. And I know that it is quite possibly too late to get started on such things now. Still, the future may also have to be worried about. So even if it can’t be put into effect right now I still think it is something worth considering.” Of course he realized that this could be something that only seemed like a worthwhile cause to him. And he was willing to accept that much. But it wouldn’t really hurt to put it out that for consideration, now would it? After all he wouldn’t know if it was any good or not if he didn’t end up saying something. But of course the finer details would have to be brought up with someone that had a finer working of the details that his idea would entail. That was if the leader even thought it was one worth implementing. And if so then the leader could also dictate the duties to the others in the clan seeing as he would probably know who was best suited to perform each particular job. “I noticed the gardens around the mansion. The land there seems really fertile. I was thinking we could put it to use. Not for decoration but for things we really need. We could start growing what it is that would be needed for healing purposes. But more than that I was thinking we could grow some crops. Start our own little farm. We could trap the local wildlife in the area and house them. With what is grown on the farm we could feed them. And then during winter we wouldn’t need to hunt because we would already have the animals that we have captured and raised and fattened up during the year.” He glanced up to the leader’s face to see what he thought of the vaguely laid out plan. “As I said it is most likely too late to start now but it is something to think about for the future. I know I’m new here still so I don’t know how scarce the wildlife gets as it gets colder. So really it is only something for you to think about. Whether or not you believe it will be worth the effort. Or if you even know anyone that would know more about undertaking the responsibilities.” Perhaps if he had come along during an earlier time then these could have already been implemented. Then they wouldn’t have to worry about the winter ahead. Not only was there war and having to defend themselves against any attack that might come but also they had to hunt and feed themselves. As well as tend to any that got injured. So many concerns during a time of the year that wasn’t the best for them.


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