show me your teeth
[/html] SSWM: 519

There was movement inside the cave and Vieira looked up to find Kaena moved toward her. Her ears fell back against her head and her golden eyes dropped to the ground, tears filling her eyes within seconds of the sight of her owner. She flinched when Kaena was within a foot of her and tensed her entire body. She expected some sort of lashing despite Snake standing somewhere behind her or the fact she really did nothing wrong. In her mind, she was convinced she had done something to anger Kaena. She was late and hurt and could not defend Inferni as was the purpose of the border control. Her eyes closed as she waited for the worst, her claws trying to dig into the stone wall of the cave but they only caused a pain to arise in her thin fingers.

Kaena's touch was far from aggressive and angry and instead it was comforting. The touch of the elder woman's arm made her twist in surprise lightly. It was no where near the wound but it was enough to shake her. Her head turned into the woman, her hand dropping from the wall, and she put her weight against her owner. She could not hold back the tears of pain and embarrassment when Kaena exerted a kindness she had not expected. Had it been any of her other owners, she would be enduring more wounds than she could imagine and the fact Kaena was being kind sent her over the edges. Tears soaked the fur of her muzzle again and she rested her head on the chest of the woman to hide away from what had happened.

Vieira inhaled a long breath of cold air and Kaena's scent. Snake spoke up and in that moment, Vieira regretted what she said earlier. She did not want to tell Kaena what happened. She did not want to speak or think of it ever again. Her golden eyes turned with her head to look at Snake and watched him fondly for a second before she pulled away. Her body was stiff with the pain and how tight the makeshift bandage was around her torso but she was not complaining about it. "I was... I was coming back from the border and attacked by a wolf," she said. Unfortunately, the woman did not know the scent of Dahlia de Mai and the male had not given any real sign of his belonging to that pack. He was just a wolf that had nearly taken her life.

"He clawed me in the back and Snake... he saved me," she said and glued her golden gaze to the floor and stared. After that was when things were fuzzy. The wolf hit her in the back of her head and there were several minutes she could not remember, whether or not from the hit or her brain blocking out the pain in her body. "He took me and wrapped me up... I'm s-sorry, Miss Kaena," she said, apologizing in a hoarse voice she barely recognized when she realized how unable she was to control herself.


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