Ordinary Riches
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*brain melts* SoSuWriMo 826

     Yes, it would be Inferni's war, but the Commander was not confident that it could not spread. War was like a flame and while it could start out with a directed path and purpose it could grow and spread to unintended areas in the blink of an eye. They would have to put up their guards as well if they were to keep their home safe. Dahlia de Mai was too close for comfort now and she would make any trips outside of their lands brief and hoped that her members would do the same. It would be far too dangerous to wander about now. "Yes, but that doesn't mean we, or any other pack, is safe though. We need to be just as vigilant as if we were the target." What if, god forbid, Inferni fell under Haku's madness? She doubted that the demon would be sated and return to his home peacefully. No, he would look for his next victim and it could very well be them. They were the next closest and if he wished to expand Dahlia's territory then they would be the most probably pack to strike out at. She would not be at ease until the man was no longer in power

     When the name of her Koios friend was spoken her eyes flashed back up to Anu's face. At least Alexey was safe and in one piece for now anyway. She wished it were safe enough to travel up north and implore her gentle friend and her nephews to flee Dahlia and come to Crimson Dreams. Alexey was not meant for such a hostile environment and the Italian worried greatly for her safety. "Alexey is a good friend of mine, I'm glad to hear that at least so far no ill has come to her personally." Savina took a deep breath, trying to keep her thoughts together and her composure intact. "I'm sure it is. For all the negative feelings for the clan I do not believe that they strike without reason or cause. Some of their members are mad, but my friend trusts his leader and says that he has a good head on his shoulders." After finding out about how the last war started she was certain of these things and she trusted Anselm's judgment without question.

     Her head nodded at Anu's words. Wherever there was war there were people who got displaced. Twilight Vale had offered refuge to Cercelee the last time and she was willing to continue in such a strain. "Refuge will be open here, to anyone. Soon I will call the pack together to discuss these matters, but first I want to see if I can learn more. My friend in Inferni often frequents the city, perhaps I can find him there and find out more." It could be a risky venture, but she would go with her eyes and ears open and she would let Anu know when she left. That way they could be prepared in case she didn't make it back in a timely manner. She prayed that no such thing would happen, she had too much to lose, but she felt this needed to be done.

     As the reasons for her friend's concerns came to light Savina was deathly still and silent, her ears pressed forward to receive the information and her face grew even grimmer than it had been before. To know that Anu had already been endangered struck at her heart. She had not expected this nor guessed at it. How long ago had this happened? Part of her feared the fact that someone Haku clearly had it out for had been brought within their home, but how could she ever turn the girl away in good conscience? Especially since it seemed that there was more than friendship between the two women. Still, it did increase their risk and they would need to increase their security even more than she had thought. Sighing she looked back down to the table, sorting through her mind for what to say. "I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to you." Savina couldn't do this on her own. Anu had been her anchor and if she were to lose her everything could come undone. "Please do not put yourself at such risk again. Crimson Dreams can't afford to lose you. I cannot afford to lose you." She looked back to Anu, her eyes bleeding with emotion.

     "She can stay, of course, but we must be even more cautious now. Any reason for him to come here will be enough. We need to be prepared to fight him off if we must." Even if that greater risk had been brought here by Anu she would not sacrifice either of them to protect the rest of the pack. The tawny woman was as close as blood to her and she would never give her up to the madman.


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