Grave of the Sunflowers
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Of course Strel knew that he would never be on top of anything, or anyone, in a fight or otherwise. There was always such a difference in muscle mass between him and most other males. What a shut in, honestly. Maybe he could win against a girl, but there were girls who managed to outweigh and out muscle mass him at a single glance. It was alarming. But right now, he wanted to try to win. It was exercise, and it told him what skills he would need to work on. Should he choose to ever bother taking the time to work on them of course. There was no reasonable explanation for him ever to start working out actively. He was no warrior, nor was he about to go fight wars in the front lines. No way, he was probably only ever going to be a helper in the background, providing cloth and other scavenged materials.

Somewhere along the line, the male started breathing rather harshly from the effort of trying to get the upper hand against a stronger opponent, playful as the fighting was. The breath, both of theirs, was making clouds in front of their faces as they struggled. Then finally, the blond was the discernible victor in the contest of strength and tactics. The redhead gave up, letting his arms flop to the ground with a thud. Underneath the layer of winter heavy fur, the redhead was sweating slightly despite the chilled air hanging about them. Lying there, trying to calm his breathing down, Strelein let the winter wind cool him off from the tussles.

Then the blond mentioned a name that Strel had not really heard in a while. Truthfully, he had only met Jazper once and the timing had been terrible. Apparently his leader had left because a pup had gotten into the leader's stash of drugs and could have died. He had gone to look for the woman, but found Strel by accident instead. Their meeting had been brief but Strel knew of the man. "Jazper? How is he? And what did he say about me?" he asked, urgently, trying to push Daisuke off of him. Boy, he sounded like a bit of a creeper, asking about a guy like that. He barely knew Jazper.

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