trifold presentation

Word Count: 373

In Character

Sicarus felt like a regular genuis after breaking the first half of the table. They didn't even have any tools other than their own teeth and claws, and yet here they were, about to start up a fire and everything—well, once they had the rest of the table broken up. Sicarus was actually having fun; he certainly hadn't expected that from the creamy-furred werewolf when they'd first met. Sicarus was quite glad things had turned out in this manner; it was far better than being stuck here alone. He doubted he would have even been able to find the damn house if it weren't for Kai.

The tawny-furred werewolf braced himself for impact, holding onto the piece of wood, angling it toward the other canine. He had no doubts about the fact that Kai could break it at all; they were two strapping young men, if nothing else, they could certainly take out a table. The werewolf held on tightly, waiting for impact—whumphf! Apparently, their actions weren't anywhere near the level of accord that Sicarus had previously thought, for he promptly went flying backwards into the wall, leaving a rather large dent shaped vaguely like a wolf after sliding to the ground.

Groaning slightly, the wolf peered over at Kai, his dazed eyes showing some degree of dizziness. Shaking his head to clear the spins out of it, the werewolf looked in either hand, and found he held two pieces of wood! He gave a snort and stood, shaking his head one more time. "Let's not do that again," he said almost nasally, whining just a bit. At least they'd managed to snap the table into two pieces; now they just had to break the other two. Sicarus wandered over to the stone part of the fireplace, and brought the wood down with a pretty hard smack, snapping it into even smaller pieces. He did the same thing with the other piece. Now they had about six pieces of firewood, enough of a start for a small fire. Sic tossed the pieces into the fireplace, figuring the debris would provide good enough tinder. "Got a light?" he asked the other canine, figuring not. Sure didn't look like Kai had any pockets.

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