trifold presentation

Word Count: 365

In Character

After the initial shock, Kai shook his head and got back on his feet. Even though he had hit the table rather hard, the elasticity of youth provided him with more then enough to spring back without much damage. Now back on his feet, the boy let out a laugh at Sicarus’ apparent displeasure about the incident, eyes bright as he grinned ear to ear. This was fun! He was glad that today had worked out so well, and it only cemented his attachment to the pack further. Of course, being around for one day was almost ridiculous, but Kai was a fool hardy boy and he knew only what was in front of him. Right now, it was a new friend and the possibility of a new life, and he had no desire to throw that away anytime soon.

Trotting over to the fireplace, Kai stuck his head low in order to inspect the contraption. The cave smelled like ash and soot, and he snorted, crinkling his muzzle with displeasure. At the question, he looked up quickly, ears once more rising to a point at the top of his head. “Uh…no. I’ll go look for one,” he said, and then just as quickly trotted off to inspect the rest of the building. Luckily, after traveling down a short hallway, he found himself in the kitchen of the house. Sniffing around, though everything smelled like dust, Kai spent several minutes looking for anything that might resemble what he had seen his former pack mates using when they had made fires. The thick smell of tobacco reached his nose, and recognizing it, Kai turned to the table behind him. After maneuvering a chair out of the way, he reared onto his hind legs and found a used ashtray, and near this, a small box. Recognizing the small container from his youth, the tawny wolf grabbed it in his mouth and then, triumphant, trotted back towards his companion, where he dropped the pack onto the stone around the cave and wagged his tail, pleased with himself. “Will that work?” He asked, believing it would but still unsure, given his lack of experience with the realm of humans.

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