fool's gold

Word Count: 315

In Character

There was nothing out in the world except an endless desert and the same conflicts that Gabriel had always found. Inferni was home, and it had been home for years now. He had come back because there was no other place for him, or those lost children of the earth neither wolf nor coyote, to go. Hezekiah seemed like a nice kid, but he was young, and Gabriel did not believe he would stay in Inferni’s borders for the rest of his life. He was too young, and it was a pattern that those who were so young rarely were content in one place. His children had left, and he doubted he would see them before they were grown.

An ocean and trees. He could have been anywhere, really. It was the mention of the boy’s dad that caused Gabriel to perk up, suddenly interested in this unknown family member. More peculiar, still, was that it had been the father to stick around, as opposed to the mother. In Gabriel’s situation, he had barely known either of his parents until he was grown, and by that point he hadn’t really wanted anything to do with them. Of course, they had since proven themselves—his father only shortly before the madness took him whole, and then killed him. His mother still behaved as she once had, but he was accepting her, slowly, for who she was. Nothing would change Kaena Lykoi; at least, this was what Gabriel believed. “Does he know you came out here? Or did you just up and leave?” While it was a sensitive subject, the Aquila was curious about the circumstance surrounding Hezekiah’s departure. He recalled that the blue eyed coyote had been at a loss, as far as memories went, when he had first shown up here, but hopefully the time would have allowed those things to come back to him.

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