In search of materials
Ty's ears remained perked as he listened to the cheiftain's explanation, although some of his attention turned to the wolf's exquisite headdress, it truly was a fascinating item. What was it for? Why did the wolf wear it? the questions swarmed in Ty's head, but not so much that he had to ask, as he still was paying attention to the wolf's instructions.

However, it came to pass that Dawali told Ty that there weren't good enough materials around to make a bow, so he couldn't really do it. Ty's tail drooped slightly in discontent, but it wasn't long before Ty had an idea to help himself make bows, somehow making it much more effective then Dawali simply going home and find materials to make, then bringing them to Ty.

"Hey, Dawali." Ty interjected, attempting to explain his idea to Dawali. "What if you just tell me where what materials you needed, and I'LL go find them, and meet you another time to help me finish? I mean, it's not like I'll not learn, this will help me figure out how to find the materials myself when I want to make my own bows, won't it? What do ya say?"

Sitting down, he waited for the older wolf to give him a response.

words: 213

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