finding a niche

OOC: <3 SSWM: 478
Until your Pencil BREAKS

The woman was quick to get pissy with him. It made the male growl lightly. Cotl did not say anything yet. But when the woman drew her knife, the stallion was quick to give a sharp neigh and the stallion moved back away from the feo by a few feet. Cotl's own hand had been quick to unsheathe his own sword. Her knife looked pathetic compared the the beautiful piece of artwork that he had. Cotl was quick to point his sword at the woman's face. He did not enjoy having someone being rude like this to him, and he didn't feel like dealing with it at the moment. Learn your place, -FUCKING SHITHEADED BITCH- or you won't last too long here. the male spoke, his tourette's deciding to jump in at the right moment he guessed. His neck twitched to the right before he showed his teeth lightly.

I'm Cotl Van Ulrich. Imaginfer. Sixth rank down from the leader. the male spoke, going ahead and announcing his rank to the woman, and how exactly far down she was fucking with at the moment. If she kept it up, he would be more than happy enough to rip out her pretty little tongue for her. You being a fresh face here does not mean that you are exempt from being submissive. Learn your place, or you won't even see the -NYEH-likes of war, the only thing you'll be seeing is the side of my blade. he hadn't had to be this cold since he had been here, but she already was pressing the buttons of the wrong male. Cotl did not take shit from newcomers, and him being already a high enough rank of the newer and some of the older members told others that the leadership trusted him with a higher rank within their midst. Cotl then tapped his horse's side, and he made a circle around the bitch, his bi-colored orbs taking in her almost delicious appearance. He noticed that she was not only black, but she had some redness on her. She also looked like she was full 'yote. Cotl had something about Coyote woman that he liked. He had to admit though, she was not as beautiful as Halo, but he could settle for her for now..That was, if she was going to clean up that little...Attitude of hers.

This is war, and everyone is on edge. Some of the other coyotes here would have already gone and ripped -FICK- your face off. Feel lucky that I have not already spared them the trouble. the male added as he pulled his steed to a halt back infront of her, his sword was still pointed at her face. He would not lower his defenses until she re-sheathed her knife. Now, Who are you? the male cocked his pierced brow, his bi-colored orbs stuck on her own.


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