this was never the way I planned, not my intention
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Okay, Dante's role is over so Lolita can jump in now Big Grin Little PP, lemme know if you want it changed Meghann <3 SoSuWriMo 534

     His laughter startled her even further and her body began to tremble. No good would come of this encounter, that was glaringly obvious. Cambria cursed herself for coming out to the city by herself. Why hadn’t she asked someone to come with her? Why hadn’t she asked momma or daddy or even Gotham to come with her? She was sure that they would have, her brother would have been really excited at the prospect. More than anything she wished that one or all of them were here with her now. If they were, this man would not be bothering her because her family would protect her and keep him away from her. There was nothing to stop him from doing whatever he wanted now though. It was just the two of them in the large, secluded library. She was alone, and she was vulnerable.

     The man’s response was mocking and she cowered even lower. Then he stepped closer to her and the smile he had previously worn went away and all that remained was a hard and cold expression that was even more terrifying. The girl’s eyes grew large with fear and horrible pictures of what he could do to her flashed through her head. Would he kill her? Would this library be the last thing she ever saw? Tears welled up in her eyes, certain that he was going to do the worst thing possible. It took all her strength not to fall to the floor in a lump and sob. Cambria had never done anything mean to anyone and yet it seemed the world was out to get her. Pure, unadulterated fear gripped her and she had no voice for the next question he asked. When the man leaned down to grab the book she had dropped though instinct kicked in and she realized that now, while his eyes were off of her, was her chance to run.

     Moving faster than she thought possible she grabbed her bag and bolted, her heart pounding in her ears. Adrenaline surged through her system as she navigated her way back to the door and burst out into the open. Hot tears streamed down her face, he was coming after her, she knew it. Clutching her bag she ran down the steps and into the labyrinth of the city. She couldn’t outrun him for long, so she couldn’t make it back home. She had to find a place to hide. Her vision was blurred by the tears that flowed from her eyes and her brain was in a state of hysteria. The young wolf ran, stumbling, looking for a building that could conceal her from the man that was chasing her.

     A door popped into her sight and she dashed into it without a second thought. Cambria shut the door behind her and ran into the bowels of the building, but before she got far she slammed into someone else. The contents of her bag scattered as she fell to the ground and she cowered, covering her head and sobbing. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Please don’t hurt me!” The girl trembled, certain that whoever she had just run into would be as bad as the man.


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