This is rambly and late. :[ 521

Andante immediately flinched when the stranger excitedly declared his love for the drink that had left the doggish male in such a sorry state, face immediately setting into a grimace from the noise. The unexpected outburst caught him off guard and that made the sudden throbbing in his skull feel even worse. He groaned and rubbed at his temples for a moment, hoping to soothe the sudden flare in pain at least a little bit. “Geez, man,” he mumbled miserably. If he hadn’t been feeling so miserable, he might have tossed a nasty comment the stranger’s way. Besides, being “stuck” in this cave with him during the downpour wouldn’t be any more pleasant if the two males started tossing insults back and forth. And the guy had given him a cigarette, after all. Letting a few unkind words fly loose wasn’t exactly the best way to show his gratitude.

By the time Dante lifted his gaze from the ground, the stranger had situated himself on the ground nearby. He hadn’t expected to see the curious man so close to him so suddenly after his outburst and was a bit surprised, but considering how focused he had been on the pain it was understandable that he would have missed it when the stranger shrugged off his disappointment from the empty bottles and returned. The hybrid boy arched an eyebrow curiously at the stranger’s question, remaining silent as he shared a brief tidbit about his own trouble with the fiery drinks at one point. When the man let loose a bout of dizzy laughter, Andante merely stared at him for a moment before grinning and shaking his head. This guy was certainly out of the ordinary. “Damn right, I shouldn’t mess with the booze.” Would he actually control himself and mess with the stuff in moderation next time? Not likely, but it was a nice thought to entertain.

As he thought about the booze, his thoughts began to drift again to the possible reasons why he would have gotten so goddamn drunk. It was usually linked to anger, and more often than not that stemmed from his last memories of his days in New York. Was it really heartache? Was this whole act of his just the way he handled it? The doggish male could hardly think of any other explanation. “I guess some sorta heartache’s th’ cause,” he began slowly, unsure if he really wanted to share this little bit about him with his new acquaintance. Dante didn’t often speak to others, and seldom did he open up to them when he did. But hell, he figured, what could it hurt? It wasn't as if there was anything better for them to do at the moment. “Probably was rememberin' my sister. Didn’t really treat her right last I saw ‘er,” he finally continued with a shrug. Yeah, nearly killing her wasn’t the best way to treat her. That was one hell of a roundabout way to put it. “Don’t really remember if that’s the reason, though. Memory’s kinda a blank. I really shouldn’t have messed the booze,” he commented with a laugh.


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