Call me Silly
Word Count: 804 - SoSuWriMo

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

The Chief was taking another day off. He had collected wood for the renewal of the fences, and he had collected wood for his fireplace. He had collected even more wood for the fixing of his hut, come spring, and now he sat still, done with collecting wood. In winter, there was little else to do. Sure, he could always travel, go on diplomatic missions and visit friends. Sure, he could always throw a feast, or teach the young some of what he knew. Sure, he could tell the tales of the past, but the truth was that all of these activites were just something to pass the time. There was little actual work to do beyond caring for the animals. The red wolf was never comfortable during winter, and he was constantly worrying that someone would fall ill or get injured. He also knew that he was not the only one to be bored in wintertime. There was little to hunt, and traveling was a drag. Some spent that extra energy fighting others; Dawali did not approve of this. But, he knew better than to ignore it, and usually he was in a constant state of alertness regarding strangers along his tribe's borders. The only different thing about his day off this time was the smile on his face. His eldest daughter had returned to them only days prior, and now he had concluded that he had been wearier than he had thought he had been. Seeing his daughter's face again had lifted his spirits so much that he realized just how low they had been. So, it was time for Dawali Amara to take a little break. No more collecting or worrying today, just fun things. And if something fun came along, he would follow that impulse without hesitation, and without guilt. He was old, after all (though only by comparison to the members of his tribe), and could drop dead at any minute!

A call for him reached his ears and for a moment he discarded it — someone else could deal with it! He was taking a day off. So there. But something in this call rang a bell, and he spent a moment wondering if he had perhas heard the voice before. If it was someone he knew he would certainly have to meet them. Then, he was torn. Just because it was an acquaintance didn't mean that it wouldn't be chore-related. And what was the point of his day off if he would spend it running here and there to the tune of acquaintances? Then again, it could be a social visit. Sighing at himself, he decided to simply go and see, because he knew he would not be able to rest his mind if he didn't. Strong, long legs carried him swiftly towards the borders — for the caller was polite enough to wait there, it seemed. Some time passed, but Dawali was a natural runner. His lanky legs had once run all the way from Halifax to AniWaya, so the distance from the village to the borders was just pancakes. As he jogged at a comfortable rhythm, his nose slowly picked up hints of someone's scent, and by the time he was nearly upon her he could piece it together; Zynex. The strange female who sat in a log last he saw her. What did she want? She hadn't seemed very friendly to him, and though it could of course have been shyness, he was still surprised to find her here. He exited vegetation and entered the more open land that his borders were positioned on, and could quickly see her against the snowy field. She had much the same colors of himself, though in a different pattern and without the gray. She was easy to see against the snow. Another surprise — she was shifted. And now she bore the scent of Phoenix Valley. Well, then, this was a wholly different situation since last time! Approaching her, he lifted an arm and waved at her in a friendly manner, speaking to her only when he slowed down with a few steps of halway jogging, halfway walking. "Hello there, Zynex. You've changed since last we spoke." This bluntness he had picked up lately; perhaps it was a sideeffect of being the Chief for so long. So long? Who was he kidding, he hadn't been the Chief for "so long". Other Chiefs served for the good of the tribe for lifetimes, and he had only held the rank for little over a year. Still, the weight on his shoulders made it feel like an eternity. The red wolf smiled broadly, for now he realized that this might get much more interesting than it had been sitting under a little shelter and listening to the storm wreak havoc on the woods.


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