there was only fire.

Makes me sadface, too. D: Sorry for the wait. Again. x.x; 557 words.

###Lolita’s own blood was anything but pure, a muddled mixture of wolf mixed with Alaskan malamute and German shepherd dog blood. This had never been a problem for her, as she had taken on a very shepherd-like appearance, so her wolf heritage was hardly even noticed. The majority of their very large pack had been made up of dogs or mixes that were dominantly of dog descent, so wolves were uncommon and, among some individuals, even feared. Her brother had been gifted with a wolfish appearance, and perhaps it was the thickness of his wolf blood that had made him the way that he was. Lolita would never know what had come of him, as she certainly did not plan to go looking for him, and she did not care much at all if she ever were to find out what became of him. When he was long dead and rotting in the ground, she would still be running, roaming for the rest of eternity. She could even find where his body lay, hopefully being disturbed at every chance possible, and she could dance upon his grave. The bastard would deserve that for everything he had done to her in her life, and even in death.

###Hearing that Kaena had grandchildren came as a slight surprise to her, though she supposed it made complete sense. The woman was much older than she was, and had many children and family members. Could Lolita have really been all that surprised at that bit of knowledge? She nodded silently. It still seemed like it might have been a better choice to take his life and end anything that could result from banishing him, but if the silver canine thought it was worth it to not have done so, Lolita was certainly not going to argue. It wasn’t her place at all to try to tell the Lykoi matron what she should have or should not have done in her lifetime. Kaena had much more experience in the world than she did, something she had grown to envy over the course of their conversation. Mentally, Lolita was still so young; she had so much growing up to do. If she did not go crazy first, she hoped to some day have the same wisdom and knowledge that Kaena had now. She would have plenty of time to collect it, store it in her brain, and learn how to use it for various things. She did, after all, have forever.

###Kaena’s words were met with a skeptical look, disbelief in Lolita’s emerald eyes. “I very much doubt that, I dunno what I could possibly do for, well, anything,” she added, not trying to offend Kaena by dismissing the idea. It was a good thought, but Miss Monroe had no faith in any future for herself. All she could see herself doing was smoking, roaming, and trying to replace her sister for the rest of eternity. That did not seem like a very fun prospect, nor did she anticipate that she would do anything even remotely important while trying to move on with her afterlife. It truly was a pain to bed dead, but it seemed like, just as people did not often believe her when she told them she was dead, no one ever realized just how tiresome it happened to be.

Table by Amber!

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