looking for a shadow of a doubt
http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad34 ... s/truc.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:187px; background-position:top center; background-color:#F8BB4D; text-align:justify; font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#AB360D; line-height:15px;padding-bottom:10px;">
@&#&$Though he didn't know (or want to know) the details, he was forced to accept her words as truth. He was tempted to dismiss not only Haku but all who enabled him as moronic, but there was no way all of them could be so stupid. The only logical conclusion, then, was that Haku was good at exploiting loopholes. He excelled at letting on only what he wanted and keeping the rest under wraps. In some ways, the two men weren't so different--maybe that was what frustrated him most? But nay--if he delved into it deeper, he'd find himself wholly sold on the idea that Haku was an idiot. Only a fool would develop such an unrealistic invincibility complex--by definition, leaders were high profile people. To commit so many crimes one after another and truthfully believe nobody would ever grow the wiser? Dumb (not to mention nuts).
@&#&$The story she told him was intriguing; he didn't recognise her mother as the woman he'd fought so very long ago. He'd been more rash back then, but he could still claim he'd been provoked and it wouldn't be a great stretch of truth. He'd given her a chance to run at any rate--perhaps if he connected this random woman to Firefly's tale he'd have found it more interesting, but the words she spoke kept his attention all the same. He and Gabriel knew a lot about one another, of course, but obviously not everything. "I don't think anyone--who's sane at least--wants to see another wolf torn limb from limb; mothers least of all," he offered with a small shrug. It wasn't something he could pretend to understand on any substantial level, but he still understood the gist of it.
@&#&$"Anyway, I'll certainly be interested in whatever you manage to dig up. I'll tell Gabriel and Kaena to keep an eye and an ear open for ya, too... ain't makin' any promises for the delinquents, though--everyone's on high alert. If things ever get hairy just call for me," he told her. He'd usually offer to meet in a neutral location but he had a strong feeling he wouldn't be doing much wandering for awhile. All of his typical "joy rides" had ground to a screeching halt already. Too much was at stake to be off fucking around. In war, things could turn within minutes. He could resume his personal projects later once the threat had passed.
@&#&$"Don't quote me on it; I'm not 100% sure. When I was in that area maybe two moons ago her scent was faded and weak. I haven't heard a peep about her since everything started, so I can only assume..." he trailed off with a short, soft sigh. Usually his hunches were right, and he didn't suspect this to be any different. "There's a woman named Kol there; the name fits her. Black fur, violet eyes," he explained suddenly; perhaps Firefly knew her already, but if not... "She was around for the first instalment of this lovely series" oh, the sarcasm "and she's back in town. She might be a good bet," he offered, before lapsing into silence once more. He couldn't think of anything else to say.

mall-caps;font-weight:bold;text-align:right; border-top:1px solid #AB360D">SoSuWriMo +537

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