Boys will be boys


It all goes, all goes by

The golden boy smirked as his brother went on as usual; walking to and fro with that typical grin on his face. It was a necessity to keep from breaking out with laughter at the sight, and his lips were pressed tightly together. Oh, and then he had to nod slowly, for of course he would like to know where this fantastic treasure was located. Emwe Soul had him in his power and he would have to grovel and beg to get an insight into Emwe’s glorious knowledge. Or maybe just catch him. Now it was Conor that was left behind in a flash and he stood still in his own track for a moment before he started to chase after the sandy brown form with the bouncing baby fat (haha). At first Conor tried to take it somewhat easy, but his mind too was starting to drop down to his brother’s mental level, and if there was in fact a treasure then he definitely wanted a share so that he could impress the latte woman with the golden eyes that had captured his heart.

The boy sped up to his max speed and raced after his sibling. After half a minute or so and with his brother’s form still out of reach, the lavender eyed boy lost some of his speed before his body crashed to the ground as it seemed he had tripped in an obstacle of some kind. He gave a loud whimper as he fell, eyes closed now as his body rested against the snowy ground. Would his brother once again be fooled?

Table credit: Sace(Hemming)

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