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She had entered Jaded Shadows without knowing a single thing about it. It could have been roaming with cannibalistic predators, ruled by a clan of ruthless cheetahs, or taken over by aliens for all she cared — one thing Phox knew for certain, however, was that it was home. Here she would start a new life that didn't involve being reared by two parents who had better plans in mind. No one would drop her on someone else's doorstep in this safe haven simply because — right now, anyhow — she was nobody else's concern. Phox was a Shadows member, but as independent as the very Alpha who sat atop the hierarchy. It wouldn't stay this way for long, given the circumstances. She needed individual care, given how tender her age was. Who the guardian in question would be still remained quite a puzzling mystery.

A great, big yawn stretched across the young female's face, exposing the milky white baby teeth that lay rooted like a picket fence in her mouth. Phox lay sprawled out on the ground, playing with a tiny rock she'd found embedded in the soft soil. The sun shone brightly up above, twinkling like a thousand watt light bulb. She could get used to this comfort...

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