Ordinary Riches

yay, shorter posts!

From the beginning Anu could not comprehend fully why she trusted Grabriel as she did. It was a full and unmoving trust, though she could tell that he only just begun to trust in her in such a way. There were miles of barriers that had been built between the doggish hybrid’s heart and the world. It wasn’t her desire to break them down and watch them crumble until his was uncomfortably vulnerable. But, Anu wanted him to know that she was nothing to fear, that she would never try to hurt him. That need was a mystery as well, but Anu had never been one to simply give up hope, and they connected in such a way that Anu would be lost if she did not know he was well. Savina spoke, and it seemed that they had two allies of Inferni. It was much better then knowing Gabe alone, since Anu wasn’t likely going to see the Inferni alpha any time soon. Nodding slowly Anu wondered if it was smart to seek the leader out, but there was nothing smart about going to Inferni if there was such a tension between it and Dahlia.

Anu agreed,
“It would be wise to know any that come, and keep tabs on the ones we do not.” Anu understood fully the sort of dishonesty that Haku was capable of. He had fooled her the first time they had ever met, giving her a nasty bruised eye in the process. To think that he might send wolves to infiltrate their pack was not far fetched, but Anu was sure that they would be able to tell who was sincere or not.

The older wolfess became meek once more, standing in confession before the alpha, and more importantly profession before her greatest friend. There was no other way for Anu to feel, and yet she felt the rise of a multitude of emotions. All seemed to play with her features, all rocked through her chest like a rolling train and each had a different way of touching her heart. She had wished to put herself in that position, and had not even asked to meet Colibri and fall for the young wolfess before the once-Dahlian had been ready for it. Savina only cared, only wished that Anu stay safe and whole. Anu feared the same for the woman when she had walked into the ocean, mind and heart crumbling into the sea. Anu could not live without her, and it had never been her intention to risk her own life.

The gray and tan femme smiled, softly with the knowledge that it was not just Coli that needed her. At times Anu needed to be reminded of that.
“I will.” Anu began, promising that she would no longer keep secrets from her friend. Her tone was soft and her words more personal then the talk of borders and war and refuges.
“I didn’t expect it, didn’t think that he would hurt her again. I went to see her, ask again that she leave Dahlia, and I found them.” The picture was painted with blood and terror, but Anu tried to keep it from her voice. “
I haven’t known this since meeting Naniko, but it’s so different.” And it was, it was slower, tentative and more innocent. It was better.
“And if I lost her, I would be lost too.” she would have walked to the beach, and Savina would have had to pull her from the undertow.


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