Call me Silly
Word Count: 509 - SoSuWriMo

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

It seemed to him that the female that stood before him had changed a lot since their last encounter, not just physically (obviously) but also in mind. She even exclaimed his name as he arrived, something he would not have expected from her behavior during the storm. Still, he welcomed any positive change with arms opened, and he smiled gently at her when she replied to his comment. Still, the Zynex he had met under a leather shelter during a lightning storm was not gone from the Zynex that stood in front of him, for she still spoke carefully. He could honestly say that he liked this less wary person better. When she boldly stated that he seemed the same, Dawali chuckled heartily. Indeed, if there was one thing that never changed around here, it seemed that it was him. Members came and went in AniWaya, mates disappeared and reappeared, children grew into adults, but Dawali Amara did not change, did not move or stir from his position. No, he was a rock allright, though to some, perhaps, it was quite boring. He did not think so, he believed in stability, and he did not care if people found him boring. It seemed Zynex did not, seeing as she had sought him out. "Hehe, yes. I stay the same, it seems, no matter what happens." That, of course, was really a lie. But the changes in him were always so small and subtle in his own mind, that he did not notice them, and so his world did not change. Or, well, it did, but not by his hands. It had changed a couple of days ago when Asha had returned home, but that was not his doing.

She explained her reasons for coming here, and his arms crossed casually as he listened. The gesture didn't mean anything, at least not as far as he knew, because he did it without knowing. He relaxed his stance and kept his weight on one leg, nodding as she spoke to him. Another glimmer of the Zynex he had met before surfaced when she almost apologized for coming here, and now his hand moved in a gesture that excused her completely. "Oh, no, don't worry. You're being perfectly polite, more so than others do around here sometimes. And congratulations on your discovery, too. Do you like it?" It seemed she had not known of this, or perhaps she had gained the gift. Dawali had heard stories of how one could go from never being able to walk on two legs, to suddenly being able to, often after wars or by mateship. He had no concept of viruses, bacteria or contamination, and so all he could conclude was that it was the work of the spirits. The spirits could be random, of course, and perhaps that was what they had been in this case. Either that, or she had been able to all along, but had never known. Some experienced that as well, probably.

He lifted his face slightly, nostrils for the first time noticing something very different in her from their last encounter. "The scent of Phoenix Valley is on you — did you find a home, then?" Small talk, but relevant. If she did live there, and had not merely visited for some time, then she was welcome here as hsi own tribe's members were. Phoenix Valley and AniWaya were allies, and Dawali knew better than not to respect and honor that agreement. She could perhaps be pleased and reassured by learning this.


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