can't catch hell for dreaming
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please note, I am retarded. >< Also, I need to stop making Strel sound so emopants.

Sea monster? The redhead swallowed hard as he looked at the other male with a look of nervousness on his face. A laugh matching his look escaped his maw, even though he knew that Hemming was completely joking about the potential monster beneath the boat. "Does he have tentacles? Sucky ones? That will rip our faces off? Or is it a giant squid thing?" On the water, Strel's entire arsenal of rationality was washed away with each passing wave before he was a blob of almost incoherent fear. Thankfully, he was not alone, so that ebb was slow in coming, and it was held back much better. There was just something about the ocean that frightened him so much. He did not understand it nor did he want to know what caused his mind to simply lose it in this kind of situation. Strel wondered if he would be terrified of flying if he were a human, afraid to travel anywhere by anything other than a metal contraption with wheels that would rust after being exposed to simply too much rain. The thought of flight exhilerated the male, but he would still be too far away from the solid ground. Imagining falling from a height suited only for birds was not a pleasant way to pass the time out on a boat. "Oh that would not do. I would rather die to the abominable snowman. Or a yeti."

By now the mindless paddling was beginning to get to the redhead. This was fun and all, but it needed to end so that Strel could pretend he had kept his happy brave face on the whole time instead of starting to yell uncle in the middle of the adventure. "So what are you planning on doing next, Hemming?" he asked, trying to keep his mind distracted from the thoughts of drowning with stringy tentacles wrapped around his limbs. Strel had to think bright! Colorful! Living! But that was so damn hard when encountering a fear. "Maybe a bigger boat? And paddles?" he inquired further. Strength suddenly filtered into his arms as he saw the land approaching, getting bigger in his few. Paddling harder, he tried his best to get them both to the dry land as fast as possible.

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