Grave of the Sunflowers
ooc talk; James made this sexy table <3;
Oh shiznit, Jacoby finally picked out Daisuke's voice. SSWM: 917

Don't save me, don't save me, 'cause I don't care
Don't save me, don't save me, 'cause
I don't care

The other male said some random puns to the other as he shook his head, though Daisuke shook then off..Literally. He did let out a small laugh when he stopped shaking his head though, as to slightly acknowledge that the male was trying to be funny. Daisuke wasn't picky about jokes. Jokes were jokes and they were funny either way. He'd offer a chuckle even if the male did not get it (which was rarely because even though it didn't seem like it, Daisuke was rather intelligent.). Daisuke was just kind in that way. He would laugh even if it wasn't funny, or if it was just plain up retarded. The male then went on to apologize about the pathetic joke. Daisuke released it with a wave of his hand. "Pfft. Don't worry about it. I like jokes. All kinds of jokes. No matter how bad." the male commented letting the subject drop with that.

The other male went on to speak that he had not played with anyone else either, so the two were on the same page as far as that went. Daisuke nodded his head and his grin grew wide on his face. He did not speak yet, because the other went on the speak about this lute instrument that he had played. The other male described the Lute as a smaller guitar with more strings, and a different shape to it. Daisuke nodded his head lightly to the other, signaling that he did understand what the male was saying, and he could somewhat imagine the look of a lute. "It shouldn't be too hard to harmonize with each other then since they are sorta the same.." the male spoke, nodding his head again and letting out a small chuckle. "That also means that we pretty much learned our instruments the same way as well." the male went on to comment to the other, his head continuing to nod lightly as he spoke. His own hand raised to his chin, mimicking the other male, though on a subconscious level instead of straight up mockery.

Strel then went on to speak about his sewing, and how he didn't want to be known as egotistical, or even more queer than he already was. Daisuke was unfamiliar with the second meaning of queer, and assumed that, right off the bat, the male was just meaning it as "eccentric" or "odd". His parents never told him the second, third, and forth meanings of the word. This confusion in lingo made the male cock his head to the right, and one of his audits to fall slightly back, while the other pointed to the male. It gave him a puppy-ish look. "What's wrong with people knowing that you're happy? I mean, Daisuke likes to show that he is happy all the time...Eccentric even." the male spoke about himself in the third person as he put his hand on his chest, he couldn't help but touch the scar that he held on his chest, caused by the sword wielder female Infernian. He traced the scar subconsciously, the feel of a scar beneath his hand being something that utterly turned him on. Why? Well, because it was an orgasmic feeling to the male. He did it without noticing before the other male had told him that he could fix his problem with the no hole being where his tail would need to come out of. Daisuke smiled and nodded his head. " That would be sooo awesomness if you did. You seriously would make my day. They are the coolest pants too, I can't wait for you to see them!" the male 'squeed' as he wiggled in place. He held that big grin on his face. "I would wear the shit out of those pants if they had a tail hole, ya' know." the islander spoke, islander accent ringing in his voice.

The other male went on to speak about his homelands. The male explained that he had to stick to his lupus form and all that jazz. "I lived in a Cove. Qixak Cove. It was on an island pretty far from here, and it was small, not like here where there is more land than water. I grew up with my father, mother, brother, and sisters. Though...I only lived with my full family for 4 months, before my brother assassinated my mother, and someone whom we don't know, killed my father. My big brother fled, along with my little sister, Ryn. My other little sister, Kaetel also disappeared for some time. My big sister, Pachi-Pachi was the only one whom stayed with me, and we left Zirenta when I was about...10 or 11 months. After I turned one, I was on my own, and I came here. "the male spoke, pretty much telling the male of his entire life up until he had come here. He left out minor details, and only spoke things that were most important. He was only secretive about things if he wasn't asked about specifics. It was more of a "if you want to know, you have to ask" type deal with this male, for he always seemed to leave details out unless specifically asked for them. What did the male need to know about him anyways? " Sometimes I miss it. Most of the time I don't. I've had way more fun adventures here, in Nova Scotia than on Zirenta. Zirenta was too dramatic." the male spoke, commenting on how he liked it here better.



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