the wizard and i
Geneva smiled with some humor tracing her mouth. "I know he doesn't seem the type, but he loves children. He raised young girl, Addison, to maturity. I believe she resides within the Dahlian borders now." Geneva could recall, almost as clear as day, the time she had been out wandering in the quarry and had encountered the frightened young child. There had been so much fear involved in that situation - Addison's terror, Geneva's own phobia of heights, and Jefferson's worry that someone might get hurt. That had been one of the first times that Geneva had seen through his mask and had gotten a look inside of him, the man she had come to love.

Caprica displayed such enthusiasm at the mention of a story that Geneva herself almost felt that energy welling up inside of her. It was such a blessing to see that kind of energy and happiness stem from something as simple as sharing time and spoken words. She hoped that the girl would continue to grow up and spend her life enjoying the simple things. Geneva had found that those things were the ones that really mattered the most.

The Savant nodded at the Locum's suggestion and headed toward the mill building without any further prompting. The gray lady grew cold easily, although she did her best not to show it. She held the door open wide for her white furred friend and her daughter. Squinting her eyes in the dim light that came through the dusty windows, Geneva looked about. She could not find any detectable fireplace, but her eyes immediately caught on a fraying pile of blankets. She immediately went over to them and shook one of the thicker ones out on the floor and then pulled several others out, approaching Naniko with a playful smile before she tossed one of the blankets over her friend's face.


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